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Luen Mei Quantum commended by Shenyang Municipal Government
Publishing time:2022.08.10 Source:

A few days ago, Shenyang Real Estate Bureau issued the 2021-2022 Commendation Notification Document for Heating Work and Handling of Citizen’s Demands for Heating, and awarded honors and gave commendation to heating enterprises and individuals that had completed the heating tasks and met citizen’s demands for heating.

Luen Mei Quantum (600167.SH) won the honorary title of "2021-2022 Excellent Heating Unit", and its subordinate enterprises and employees also won honorary titles in providing heating services, handling appeals and providing emergency heating. This is a tribute to the affirmation of governments at all levels of Luen Mei Quantum for guaranteeing people's livelihood and heating, and also the recognition from Luen Mei Quantum’s users for its considerate heating services.

According to the Notification Document, among all heat-supplying enterprises in Shenyang, four enterprises subordinate to Luen Mei Quantum, namely Guoxin Environmental Protection, Guohui Environmental Protection, Shenyang Hunnan heat-supplying Co., Ltd., and Guorun Low-carbon Thermal Power Co., Ltd, won the honorary title of "2021-2022 Excellent Heat Source Factory"; "New World Heat Exchange Station" under “Shenshuiwan Clean Energy Co., Ltd.” won the honorary title of "2021-2022 Excellent Heat Exchange Station".

The heat-supply undertaking in Shenyang in 2021-2022 was affected by multiple unfavorable factors such as repeated outbreaks of COVID and rising prices of raw materials. As an important participant of public utilities in Shenyang, Luen Mei Quantum takes advantage of its delicacy management, pays close attention to production safety and stable operation, makes scientific and rational plans for fuel procurement, storage and transportation, and vigorously promotes repairs to heating equipment and technical renovation, so as to make sure that new construction projects will be completed on schedule, heat-supplying will start normally on November 1st, the production equipment will run normally, and emissions will meet the standards. At the end of March when the epidemic prevention and control in Shenyang became extremely difficult and critical, Luen Mei Quantum actively responded to the demand of Liaoning Provincial Housing and Construction Department and Shenyang Real Estate Bureau to ask its 7 enterprises in Shenyang to extend the heat-supply period according to temperature change to ensure that residents in Shenyang will be able to live in a warm and comfortable environment.

While actively taking on social responsibility, Luen Mei Quantum has continuously improved its heat-supplying service quality through technological innovation and optimized its "366e Life" heat-supplying service platform. In October 2021, Luen Mei Quantum’s "24-Hour Self-Service Heat-Supplying Payment Hall" was launched online. According to media reports, this is the first 24-hour self-service heat-supplying payment hall in Northeast China and the largest one in China. Customers can handle all heat-supplying services through this platform at any time so that customers won’t have to encounter difficulty in asking for leave, parking and queuing, and it also provides convenience for customers who are unaccustomed to making payment through mobile phones or those who have to handle their affairs in the physical service hall. In addition, it avoids gathering and waiting in physical halls and improves customer experience.

Handling of heat-supply demand is another important indicator of heat-supplying service. According to the Commendation Notification, five companies subordinate to Luen Mei Quantum, namely ShenYang Xinbei Thermoelectric Co., Ltd., Shenyang Guoxin Environmental Protection New Energy Co., Ltd., Shenyang Hunnan heat-supplying Co., Ltd, Guorun Low-carbon Thermal Power Co., Ltd., and Shanghai Guohui Environmental Protection Technology Group Co., Ltd. were awarded the honorary title of "2021-2022 Advanced Unit in Handling Heat-supplying Appeals". Lin Lina, head of customer service and appeal handling department, was awarded the honorary title of "2021-2022 Individual with Outstanding Contribution in Handling Heat-supplying Appeals”, and nine employees including Zhang Ning, Li Jiaxu, Cong Yu, Li Peng, Wang Fei, Zhan Qing, Wang Qi, Yang Xinyu and Ruan Lixin, were awarded the honorary title of "2021-2022 Advanced Individual in Handling Heat-supplying Appeals". The continuous innovation and upgrading of technology and management is an important guarantee for Luen Mei Quantum to continuously improve its heat-supplying service quality.

In addition, according to the Commendation Notification, the emergency repair teams of ShenYang Xinbei Thermoelectric Co., Ltd., Shenyang Guoxin Environmental Protection New Energy Co., Ltd., and Shenyang Hunnan Heat-supplying Co., Ltd. were awarded the honorary title of "2021-2022 Excellent Heat-supplying Emergency Team", and the three employees of Liu Lu, Wang Deguo and Zhang Peng were awarded the honorary title of "2021-2022 Excellent Emergency Repair Worker".

Honor represents the affirmation of the society and also acts as a spur. Heat-supply system is an important part of public utilities. Luen Mei Quantum will stay true to its original aspiration, actively shoulder its corporate responsibility of guaranteeing people's livelihood and promoting social development, insist on green development, deepen its industrial layout across the country, adopt renewable energy technologies such as sewage source heat pump, air source heat pump and mid-deep geothermal energy according to local conditions, continuously expand the proportion of clean energy, actively explore the application of energy storage and hydrogen energy, create an environmental-friendly industrial structure and production and lifestyle for the society, provide better comprehensive energy services for social development and people's livelihood, and make more contribution to the fulfillment of the goal of “carbon peaking and carbon neutrality”.


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